This webinar was produced by COHDS as part of the On the Move: Employment-Related Geographical Mobility in the Canadian Context Partnership to provide some remote delivered training to project team members. It will introduce you to oral history and interviewing, providing you with basic information on the discipline, interviewing techniques and ethical guidelines.
The webinar gathers content produced by different researchers, staff members and projects based at COHDS such as the Montreal Life Stories CURA, and the From Balconville to Condoville? project as well as renowned authors and oral historians. It was designed in November 2013 by Associate Director Eve-Lyne Cayouette Ashby.
It includes the following material:
- Main video (slideshow and narration), 17 minutes
- Links (below)
- Slideshow (PDF below)
- Sample consent form (PDF below)
- Sample interview guides (PDF below)
- Transcription and chronology models (PDF below)
- Sample database building protocol (PDF below)
- Digital storytelling guide (PDF below)
Our protocols and materials can be used and adapted for any non-for-profit, educational, and academic purposes but the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling must be credited.
+ Files
COHDS Webinar Slideshow: Oral History and Interviewing
Postindustrial Montreal, Interview Guide
CURA, Chronology Transcription Mode (I), Oral History and Performance Working Group (May 2012)
CURA, Chronology Transcription Mode (II), Oral History and Performance Working Group (May 2012)