This short webinar was produced by COHDS as part of the On the Move: Employment-Related Geographical Mobility in the Canadian Context Partnership to provide some remote delivered training to project team members. It will introduce you to a method developed by COHDS for transcribing walking or driving interviews.
It gathers content produced by staff members involved in the From Balconville to Condoville? project. Sofie Desjardins created the transcription protocol with the help of Kimberley Moore. The webinar was designed in November 2013 by Associate Director Eve-Lyne Cayouette Ashby.
It includes the following material:
- Short video, 2 minutes
- Walking interview transcription protocol (PDF below)
Our protocols and materials can be used and adapted for any non-for-profit, educational, and academic purposes but the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling must be credited.