Researcher Affiliate
Maude B. Lafrance is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Theatre at Concordia University. She is also a lecturer at the University of Quebec in Montreal. Her research focuses on the relationship between performing arts, pop culture, cultural hierarchies through affect theories and a feminist perspective. She is currently conducting research in oral history aimed at revisiting the historical importance of women in Montreal Theatre from 1950 to today. She has contributed to the works Metteur en scène aujourd’hui : identité artistique en question ? and Faire théâtre sous le signe de la recherche (both at Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017). She has been a Visiting Scholar at the TISCH School of the Arts (New York University) in 2015. She holds a PhD from the University of Québec in Montreal on the Wooster Group, the Big Art Group and Olivier Choinière and a Master of Arts from the University of Montréal on the theatre of Romeo Castellucci.