Research Affiliate
Gavin Foster is Associate Professor of modern Irish history in the School of Irish Studies at Concordia University. He earned his PhD in History from the University of Notre Dame. His book, ‘The Irish civil war and society: politics, class, and conflict’ (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), was awarded the American Conference for Irish Studies’ 2015 ‘James S. Donnelly, Sr. Prize for Books on History and Social Sciences’. He has published articles and essays in The Atlas of the Irish Revolution; Kerry: History and Society; Field Day Review; Saothar: Journal of the Irish Labour History Society; Éire-Ireland: Journal of Irish Studies; New Hibernia Review; History Ireland and the Revolution Papers, among others. He is presently writing a study of Irish Civil War and revolutionary memory based on extensive oral history interviews and research conducted with funding from the Government of Quebec.