Affilié communautaire

Oral historian, teacher, graphic designer, author.

On May 27, 2021 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized to Italian Canadians for their internment of Italian Canadians during WWII. After forming relationships with the families of the Italian-Canadian Internees across Canada; researching archives and personal collections for over 20 years; working with Minister of Justice David Lametti and the Italian caucus; this year Joyce has championed an apology and was actively involved in every aspect of the ceremony on behalf of the families. As a granddaughter of an internee, her unique perspective has led the families to claim their voice. The apology was meaningful because the prime minister and the government listened to the families. It was a justice that took healing into account.

Joyce’s work focuses on the Italians of Montreal and the internment of Italian-Canadians during World War II.

Her oral history research investigates identity, language, work, lifestyle, inter-generational relationships and life in working-class neighbourhoods with specific attention to Ville Emard and other south-west neigfhbourhoods. Joyce has done over 200 interviews that span four generations.

Her work includes: books, exhibits, conferences, lectures, walking tours, urban games, community and classroom projects. She also collaborates with museums, documentary film makers and is called on by national and local media. With her communications and design background, Joyce is always looking for new ways to engage audiences with oral history.

Recipient of The Ted Little Prize 2019 for Community-Based Oral History Research and Activism

Affiliate, Department of History, Concordia University