Community Affiliate
Emma Haraké is an educator, visual artist, researcher and community organizer from Beirut, living and working in Tio’tia:ke (Montreal). She holds a Master’s in art education from Concordia University and a BFA from the Lebanese University. Her research interests include autobiographical and arts-based inquiries, memory work, and oral history. Emma has years of work experience in various cultural, academic, and community settings and locates her work within collaborative and community-based practices.
Working in the third most spoken language in Montreal, Mumtalakat is a multi-part project exploring the meaning embedded in objects belonging to Arabic-speaking immigrants. Building off my thesis project in art education, the project features interviews with Arabic-speaking Montrealers who shared their experiences through a discussion of personal objects that had traveled alongside them in the migration experience. In addition to the interviews which were ongoing, the project grew into a series of Arabic storytelling workshops Kan Ya Ma Kan, as well as three public reading events featuring local Arabic speaking authors writing in Arabic, French, or English.
On this website, you will find videos of eight oral history interviews with images and their accompanying transcripts, a bibliography, as well as three critical texts authored in Arabic, French, and English.