Dear student and community affiliates,
This is once again the time of year to invite nominations for the student and community representative position on the COHDS Administrative Board. Student and community representatives serve on the Administrative Board for one year and are expected to be available for meetings throughout the year (5 or 6 per year).
The deadline to submit a nomination is Sunday September 31st 2021. If there is more than one nomination approved by the board, there will be an election at the Annual General Meeting. You will be asked to present yourself to the community at the AGM and all student or community affiliates will vote in the election.
If you would like to nominate someone or self-nominate for a position on the COHDS Administrative Board, please send Emma Haraké ( a message introducing a short bio of the nominee and stating the position they are interested in.
For more details on how COHDS operates, see our Governance Structure.