Community Affiliate

She is a survivor of the genocide committed against the Tutsi of Rwanda. She completed her doctorate in Educational Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montrealpeace .
She is the author of the book “We never forget anything”, published in 2019 by Éditions Hurtubise. She is a member of PAGE-RWANDA (Association of parents and friends of victims of the genocide committed against the Tutsi of Rwanda) and a founding member of Ibuka-Canada (Remember). As a bearer of testimony, she participated in the project “The living archives of Rwandan exiles and survivors of the genocide residing in Canada” carried out by COHDS in collaboration with Page-Rwanda. She also participated in the exhibition “Cartography of Memory – Atlas of Rwandan life stories” in spring 2023 and in Rwanda in June 2024.

She is interested in safeguarding and transmitting the memory of the genocide against the Tutsi of Rwanda through storytelling. His current project involves photographing the very visible scars of genocide survivors and recording the stories of the circumstances of injury (where, when, how).