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En français
Atelier en deux parties, 6 et 7 juin, 2022
(Avec Stephane Martelly et Chloé Savoie-Bernard)

Would it be ethical not to share your own story?

A performative participatory workshop to deconstruct the concept of shared authority in the Oral History Interview, with Zeina Ismail-Allouche and Jad Orphée Chami. In English

Assemblée générale annuelle du CHORN

In English and French

Keynote Oral histories of the dead: Studying immigration, settlement, community, and integration through one Jewish Cemetery, with Anna Sheftel.

In-person and Online

Introduction à l’histoire orale (annulé)

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS

Avec Eliot Perrin En français Cet atelier de formation couvre les concepts fondamentaux de la méthodologie de l’histoire orale. On y aborde l’évolution de la discipline, son approche de l’entrevue, l’éthique de la recherche, et les diverses façons dont les chercheur·e·s en histoire orale diffusent leurs travaux auprès d’un vaste public. Le plus possible, le […]

Introduction to Oral History

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

Photo caption: Day planners documenting garment worker Cornelia Caruso's daily piece work rates, ca. 1967. Photo by Lauren Laframboise   with Lauren Laframboise English This workshop will provide you with some of the fundamentals in the interdisciplinary field of oral history. Participants will learn about an oral history approach to interviewing, ethics in research, and […]

Table ronde: Retour sur les principes déontologiques du CHORN

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

Avec Anna Sheftel, Aude Maltais-Landry, Catherine Richardson, Indira Chowdhury, Monica Toca et Steven High Modéré par Eliot Perrin Au cours de la dernière année, nous avons reçu une série de demandes relatives à la déontologie et au consentement. Il nous paraît donc opportun de revisiter les principes et pratiques déontologiques du centre, et ce, afin […]

Emotions in Oral History

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Nadia Hausfather, Ioana Radu, Elise Olmedo and Piyusha Chatterjee English (Q&A in En/Fr) Oral history interviews are dialogic conversations between two (and sometimes more) people. Just as looking back and reflecting on one's past can be an emotional experience, interactions between people also have an affective dimension. How do we attend to our emotions […]

Introduction to Audio Recording

LB 1042.03 (Moonroom) 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Vitalyi Bulychev English Best practice and basics of working with microphones and recorders. Vitalyi Bulychev is the COHDS Lab Coordinator. He studied film production at Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University, Montreal. Past projects include short films and video installations. Interests include information architecture, expanded cinema, interdisciplinarity, photography. Currently in pre-production for a […]