Fourth Monday of every month, 2pm – 4pm 

moderated by Kelann Currie-Williams 

The COHDS Reading Group is a monthly gathering where we come together to discuss a single text (article, book chapter, etc.), and think deeply about how oral history practice & theory is being shaped by new literature in the field. This is a great opportunity to engage in thought-provoking conversations, ask questions, and learn from one another. All community and student affiliates (and beyond!) are welcomed to join either in person at the COHDS sunroom (LB-1019) or via Zoom, as meetings will always be hybrid. The COHDS reading group is held every month, so mark your calendars and come join us for an enriching discussion! 

Please join us on Monday March 25, from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. EST where our first text of 2024 will be:  

Hana Sleiman & Kaoukab Chebaro (2018) “Narrating Palestine: The Palestinian Oral History Archive Project”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 47:2, 63-76, DOI: 10.1525/jps.2018.47.2.63 


  • Reading for April 22, 2024: TBD 
  • Reading for May 27, 2024: TBD 
  • Reading for June 24, 2024: TBD

For attending online, you can follow the zoom link here. 

For additional inquiries, please write to Kelann Currie-Williams. 


Reading for Feb 15, 2023:
Holly Werner-Thomas (2022) “Is Oral History White? The Civil Rights Movement in Baltimore, an Oral History Project from 1976, and Best Practices Today”, The Oral History Review, 49:2, 377-398, DOI: 10.1080/00940798.2022.20964743. 

Reading for March 15, 2023:
Crystal Mun-hye Baik (2022) “From ‘Best’ to Situated and Relational: Notes Toward a Decolonizing Praxis”, The Oral History Review, 49:1, 3-28, DOI: 10.1080/00940798.2022.2026197 

Reading for Apr 19, 2023:
Nien Yuan Cheng (2018) “Flesh and Blood Archives”: Embodying the Oral History Transcript, The Oral History Review, 45:1, 127-142, DOI: 10.1093/ohr/ohx071