Research Affiliate
Catherine Richardson/Kinewesquao is a Métis scholar with Cree, Gwichin and English and Viking ancestry (Swedish/Orkney). She is the Director of First Peoples Studies and is the co-founder of the Centre for Response-Based Practice, an organization dedicated to helping people recover from violence in a spirit of dignity and social justice. Cathy has a background in practice and research in counselling and social work. Her degrees are in child and youth psychology, counselling psychology, French and Political Science. She has supported Indigenous survivors of genocide and racism to tell their stories in various contexts including in the counselling room, in community settings and in national inquiries, such as the TRC. Currently, Cathy is on the Yukon Task Force to develop protocols on the issue of MMIWG2S+. She was the Quebec-lead in the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative. Her work centres around gathering accounts of resistance and explorations of how people respond to mistreatment and humiliation, in attempts to preserve dignity and maximize safety. Cathy has travelled extensively and is enlivened by story-sharing, cultural exchange and stories of resistance to oppression. Indigenous Healing Knowledges In this project, Catherine Richardson, along with her team, interview Indigenous healers from across the globe, including from Greenland, Aotearoa, Venezuela and from Turtle Island. In these interviews she asks the healers to share important information about their worldview, cosmology, creation stories and how within that they work to help people achieve well-being, balance and a sense of belonging. The healers will talk about their community, including the various rituals and ceremonies as well as some of the current issues they face, such as aspects of ongoing colonialism and mistreatment. Catherine is working with Zeina Allouche and others to create a special edition journal as well as organizing an on-the-land retreat for students with the international healers.