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Kathryn Harvey is a storyteller, image maker, meditator, shapeshifter, and kin to the natural world. She received her PhD in history from McGill University for a thesis entitled “David Ross McCord (1844-1930): Imagining a Self, Imagining a Nation in 2006. In 2007-08, in conjunction with Dawson Community Centre, she collaborated with a group of Verdun seniors on a oral history project, which culminated in the creation of a memory quilt and a series of interviews featured in a short film, “Cutting, Pasting & Remembering” that premiered at the International Day for Sharing Life Stories, at the COHDS. Currently, she is coordinator of a non-profit, ORA – Loss and Living, centred on the West Island of Montreal, which provides support to people who are grieving. From this work has emerged a new project, Pandemic Grief, the intention being to collect the stories of people who experienced the death of loved ones, the loss of employment, of health, and personal freedom — the multiplicity of ways in which the pandemic has affected and transformed the way people grieve.