Hannah Pinilla is an oral historian, visual artist, and MA student in public history with a specialization in digital humanities at Carleton University. Her SSHRC-funded master’s research project, “El Sabor del Hogar” engages nine Colombian migrants, living in Montreal and Longueuil in oral history interviews facilitated through cooking sessions, to explore how the narration, preparation, and consumption of ‘home foods’ is a form of embodied and interactive diasporic memory work. Her research question was guided by her own lived experiences as the granddaughter of a first-generation Colombian-Canadian: how does the dialectical relationship between identity and memory manifest through food practice and what impact does it have on the process of home-building?
Hannah is currently working in the public service sector, and continues to explore these questions as an independent and community researcher. If you wish to collaborate, please contact Hannah at hannahpinilla@cmail.carleton.ca.