The Clear Blue Skies: Diaries from Ukraine


with Scott Illingworth. Associate Chair of the Graduate Acting Program at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. What does it take to work with vulnerable populations to create a piece of verbatim theatre? Professor Scott Illingworth will share insights he gained from creating The Clear Blue Skies: Diaries from Ukraine. The play is […]

Indigenous Healing Knowledges

4th Space J.W. McConnell Building 1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W. 4TH SPACE, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

with Dr. Cathy Richardson, Alicia Ibarra-Lemay, Alexandra Nordstrom and Elise Kephart Join us for a conversation about Indigenous healing knowledges. This conversation will cover questions such as: what is Indigenous Healing; what cultural processes support healing and restoration after systemic violence; what will the Indigenous Healing Knowledges Chair do for the Concordia community? This presentation may be of interest to […]

Introduction to Audio Recording

with Vitalyi Bulychev   English   This workshop aims to introduce oral historians to the basics of audio recording. While familiarizing ourselves with the equipment and what it has to offer, we will explore how to set up the audio equipment for interviews, what to consider when using recorders and other best practices to ensure a seamless […]

CANCELLED: Oral History and Oral History Performance: Similarities and Differences

LB 1042.03 (Moonroom) 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

*Please note that this event has been cancelled* with professors Steven High and Luis Carlos Sotelo Castro in conversation with students of the Oral History Performance class (Department of Theatre). Professors Steven High, Barbara Lorenzkovski and Luis Carlos Sotelo Castro in conversation with students of the Oral History Performance class (Department of Theatre). In this conversation, we […]

Introduction à l’histoire orale – partie 2

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

avec Lauren Laframboise et Mélissa-Anne Ménard  Français  Cet atelier vous permettra d’explorer certains des éléments fondamentaux dans le domaine interdisciplinaire de l'histoire orale. Les participants découvriront une approche aux entretiens spécifique à l'histoire orale, l'éthique de la recherche et les nombreuses façons dont les histoires orales sont partagées avec le public. Cet atelier est fortement […]

Roundtable: De-Industrial Heritage


with Steven High, Brian Rosa, Paula Fernández Álvarez, Guilherme Pozzer, Myriam Guillemette, Jorge Magaz-Molina, and Laura Littlefair English What does deindustrialization studies have to offer heritage studies—and what can scholars of deindustrialization learn from the world of heritage? Six DePOT student, postdoctoral, and research affiliates share their research on de-industrial heritage. Chair: Steven High Presenters:  Brian […]

Queer Oral History

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Gabryelle Iaconetti and Liam Devitt   English   The workshop and discussion will offer reflections on methodological and ethical approaches to undertaking queer oral history in research. How does one conduct oral history interviews with queer narrators? What is particular about queer oral history? How has oral testimony been significant in the figuration of queer […]

Day 1 – 11th Emerging Scholars’ Symposium

Every year, the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling at Concordia University offers students and emerging scholars an opportunity to present their work at any stage, to exchange ideas, and to connect with other researchers and creators. The title and main theme of this year’s symposium is “Enacting Social Change Through Storytelling” Read this […]

Day 2 – 11th Emerging Scholars’ Symposium

Every year, the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling at Concordia University offers students and emerging scholars an opportunity to present their work at any stage, to exchange ideas, and to connect with other researchers and creators. The title and main theme of this year’s symposium is “Enacting Social Change Through Storytelling” Read this […]

Book Launch: Out to Defend Ourselves: A History of Montreal’s First Haitian Street Gang

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Maxime Aurélien and Ted Rutland You are cordially invited to join authors Maxime Aurélien and Ted Rutland for a discussion on their new book: Out to Defend Ourselves: A History of Montreal's First Haitian Street Gang About the book: This first critical history of a street gang in a Canadian city is a result […]

Voices of the Immigrant Workers’ Centre

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Lauren Laframboise and Stefan Christoff  In 2007, Montreal-based garment manufacturer Lamour prepared to shutter its Canadian production activities, gradually laying off nearly 500 of its employees to circumvent labour legislation that would force the company to pay collective layoff benefits. Over 2007 and 2008, Lamour workers and community organizers at the Immigrant Workers Centre […]

Stories Beyond Borders: Mapping the Imaginative Spaces of Movement and Migration

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Stéphane Martelly, Maricia Fischer-Souan, and Kelly Norah Drukker English In this panel presentation and discussion, writers and scholars working within the disciplines of oral history, sociology, and creative writing share different approaches to “mapping” stories of movement and migration—from intimate ethnographies to those told within broader communities. What role does place play in the […]

The Archive of the Future: Oral History and Community Archiving


with Po Ki Chan, Sonia Dhaliwal, Eliot Perrin, and Carla Rodeghero English Join us for a conversation regarding lives of learning, experiences with oral history, and community archiving. Increasingly, we seek to break down institutional barriers and include participants in the archival process. What does this process look like? How does community archiving differ from state […]

Palates & Passages: Navigating the Intersection of Food and Oral Histories through Migration

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Cassandra Marsillo, Hannah Pinilla, and Amanda Whittaker English This panel discussion delves into the rich crossing of food history and oral history by exploring the connections between migration, the concept of home, and food narratives. Each of the panelists’ research focus on the storytelling found within the pages of cookbooks, identity and memory formation […]

Ethics in Research: How to Apply for Ethics Certification

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Zachary Corbeil, Eliot Perrin, Eleni Polychronakos, and Karl Ponthieux Stern English To obtain the informed consent of our research participants is both an ethical and institutional obligation for oral historians working at Canadian universities. This workshop seeks to demystify the process of applying for ethics certification. Four emerging scholars will reflect on their experiences […]

Gaming & Oral History

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Carl Therrien, Jonathan Lessard, and Dany Guay-Bélanger English Videogames are a fairly young medium. Emerging as a commercial good in the early 1960s, they have slowly made their way into the mainstream. What was once seen as toys for young boys has become so widespread that many of us have them in our living […]

Co-designing technologies to communicate embodied experiences: Vibrotactile technologies research workshop with VibraFusionLab

LB 1042.03 (Moonroom) 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Dr. Naila Kuhlmann, David Bobier, and Anna Vigeland A participatory research and creation workshop led by Dr. Naila Kuhlmann (McGill Biapt Lab, CRITAC), with the collaboration of David Bobier (VibraFusionLab), assisted by Anna Vigeland (COHDS member), exploring how immersive and interactive technologies can help convey sensory, bodily and felt experiences that are difficult to see or […]

Llamado y Respuesta: ¿Quién escucha a César? | Call and Response: who listens to Cesar?

Studio MB.7.265, John Molson Building 1450 Guy Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Un evento del Laboratorio de Actos de Escucha y del Coro a la Escucha | A research-creation event by the Acts of Listening Lab and the Listening Choir. May 17, and 18, 2024, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm (including light refreshments and talk back discussion) (In Spanish, a written translation into English will be provided) We […]

Climate Play – a climate change verbatim theatre workshop

Concordia Dance Studio 1600 Blvd De Maisonneuve West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

with Joel Bernbaum, and Yvette Nolan English Concordia's Acts of Listening Lab & COHDS, & IMAGO theatre invite you to a climate change verbatim theatre workshop led by Yvette Nola and Joel Bernbaum. Like live documentaries, these plays are made from interview transcripts, joint us to fine-tune your tools and skill to make a verbatim […]

Los Sabores de Hogar: The Transformation of Memory and Identity Through the Food Practices of Colombian Migrants in Montreal

with Hannah Pinilla English This exhibit features the collaborative MA oral history research of Hannah Pinilla and her interview partners. Her research explores how the narrations, consumption, and preparation of ‘home foods’  facilitates interactive, diasporic ‘memory work’. In fall 2023, Hannah conducted two collaborative oral history interviews with nine Colombian migrants, both voluntary and forced, […]