This year’s Symposium will be held online on March 19, 2021, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Join us for the full event or “drop-in” for the specific panels that interest you!
With the chosen title of Distances and Intimacies, we have invited students and emergent scholars to map and explore the production of intimacy and distance in their research, and to engage with these two concepts from a range of different disciplinary, theoretical, methodological, and creative perspectives. The keynote “The PlaceDive Podcast: From Master’s thesis to mainstream storytelling” will be presented by Anja Novkovic, Master of Science (MSc) from Concordia’s Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies.
The Emerging Scholars Symposium is free to attend and is open to emerging scholars, faculty, students, staff and the broader community.
More information and to register, visit the event’s page here.