EXPOSITION : Vivre (et écouter) autrement

Concordia University LB-1042 (COHDS) 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd O, Montreal

Horaire : en semaine de 10h à 16h Cette exposition présente la recherche-création de l’artiste Sarah Bengle développé en réponse au projet « Raconte-moi Riopelle » autour de la vie et l’œuvre du peintre Jean Paul Riopelle (1923-2002).   D’une part, l’installation invite à découvrir par le dessin et la cartographie une vingtaine d’entretiens de personnes ayant côtoyé Riopelle, […]

Los Sabores de Hogar: The Transformation of Memory and Identity Through the Food Practices of Colombian Migrants in Montreal

with Hannah Pinilla English This exhibit features the collaborative MA oral history research of Hannah Pinilla and her interview partners. Her research explores how the narrations, consumption, and preparation of ‘home foods’  facilitates interactive, diasporic ‘memory work’. In fall 2023, Hannah conducted two collaborative oral history interviews with nine Colombian migrants, both voluntary and forced, […]

Film Screening of Dorchester: In the Midst of the Fray

LB 1042.03 (Moonroom) 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

Join us for a visioning and sound exploration of Dorchester: au coeur de la mêlée. Please note that this film will be screened in English. In the heart of the city of Montreal and in the midst of Montreal's business district lies one of Canada's most beautiful squares: Dorchester Square. Neglected for years, its renovation was […]

What Travels Through Us: Exhibition Vernissage and Roundtable

LB-1019 (sunroom), COHDS 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Québec, Canada

with Naomi Frost, Rémy Chhem, Eva-Loan Ponton-Pham, and Marie-Ève Samson English  This vernissage event and roundtable discussion, a collaboration between the Super Boat People Collective, COHDS, and Concordia University Library, introduces and celebrates the launch of the “What Travels Through Us: Exhibition,” on display at Concordia University Library from September 12 until December 12, 2024.  The Super […]